Yamaguchi-Tsuji Laboratory



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M. Fujita, O. Koike and Y. Yamaguchi
"Direct simulation of drying colloidal suspension on substrate using immersed free surface model"
Journal of Computational Physics, 281, 421-448(2015).
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2014.10.042


M. Fujita, O. Koike and Y. Yamaguchi
"Computation of Capillary Interactions among Many Particles at Free Surface"
Applied Physics Express, 6(3), 036501 (2013).
DOI: 10.7567/APEX.6.036501
F. Nikaido, S. Inasawa, Y. Tsuji and Y. Yamaguchi
"A model of silica dissolution based on acid dissociation of internal silanol"
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 86(4), 520-525 (2013)
DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20120337
K. Yamaguchi, S. Inasawa and Y. Yamaguchi
"Optical Anisotropy in Packed Isotropic Sphereical Particles: Indication of Nanometer Scale Anisotropy in Paking Structure"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(8), 2897-2902 (2013).
DOI: 10.1039/C2CP43402D


K. Yamaguchi, S. Inasawa and Y. Yamaguchi
"Growth Kinetics of Needle-Like Silicon Wires Formed via the Zinc Reduction Reaction of Silicon Tetrachloride"
J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (37), 19978-19983 (2012).
DOI: 10.1021/jp307057u

H. Kaneko, S. Inasawa, N. Morimoto, M. Nakamura, H. Inokuchi, Y. Yamaguchi and K. Funatsu
"Statistical Approach to Constructing Predictive Models for Thermal Resistance Based on Operating Conditions,"
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51 (29), 9906-9912 (2012).
DOI: 10.1021/ie300315t

K. Oku, S. Inasawa, Y. Tsuji, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Observation of phase transition from dissolved organic semiconducting materials to solid film during drying,"
Dry. Technol., 30 (8), 832-838 (2012).
DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2012.668600

S. Ohta, P. Shen, S. Inasawa, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Size- and surface chemistry-dependent intracellular localization of luminescent silicon quantum dot aggregates,"
J. Mater. Chem., 22 (21), 10631-10638 (2012).
DOI: 10.1039/C2JM31112G

S. Ohta, S. Inasawa, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Size control of phase-separated liquid crystal droplets in a polymer matrix based on the phase diagram,"
J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 50 (12), 863-869 (2012).
DOI: 10.1002/polb.23071

S. Ohta, S. Inasawa, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Real time observation and kinetic modeling of the cellular uptake and removal of silicon quantum dots,"
Biomaterials, 33 (18), 4639-4645 (2012).

H. Sugime and S. Noda,
"Cold-gas chemical vapor deposition to identify the key precursor for rapidly growing vertically-aligned single-wall and few-wall carbon nanotubes from pyrolyzed ethanol,"
Carbon, 50 (8), 2953-2960 (2012).

K. Sekiguchi, K. Furuichi, Y. Shiratori, and S. Noda,
"One second growth of carbon nanotube arrays on a glass substrate by pulsed-current heating,"
Carbon 50 (6), 2110-2118 (2012).

Susumu Inasawa and Yukio Yamaguchi,
"Self-organized pattern formation of cracks perpendicular to the drying direction of a colloidal suspension,"
Soft Matter 8 (8), 2416-2422 (2012).

S.W. Lee, B. M. Gallant, Y. Lee, N. Yoshida, D.Y. Kim, Y. Yamada, S. Noda, A. Yamada, and Y. Shao-Horn,
"Self-standing positive electrodes of oxidized few-walled carbon nanotubes for light-weight and high-power lithium batteries,"
Energy Environ. Sci. 5 (1), 5437-5444 (2012).

S. Isogai, R. Ohnishi, M. Katayama, J. Kubota, D.Y. Kim, S. Noda, D. Cha, K. Takanabe, and K. Domen,
"Composite of TiN nanoparticles and few-walled carbon nanotubes and its application for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction,"
Chem. Asian J. 7 (2), 286-289 (2012).

D.Y. Kim, H. Sugime, K. Hasegawa, T. Osawa, and S. Noda,
"Fluidized-bed synthesis of sub-millimeter-long single walled carbon nanotube arrays,"
Carbon 50 (4), 1538-1545 (2012).


T. Moteki, Y. Murakami, S. Noda, S. Maruyama, and T. Okubo,
"Zeolite surface as a catalyst support material for synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (49), 24231-24237 (2011).

Y. Shiratori, K. Furuichi, Y. Tsuji, H. Sugime, and S. Noda,
"Tailoring the morphology of carbon nanotube assemblies using microgradients in the catalyst thickness,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (9), 095101-1-7 (2011).

K. Hasegawa and S. Noda,
"Moderating carbon supply and suppressing Ostwald ripening of catalyst particles to produce 4.5-mm-tall single-walled carbon nanotube forests,"
Carbon 49 (13), 4497-4504 (2011).

P. Shen, S. Ohta, S. Inasawa, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Selective labeling of the endoplasmic reticulum in live cells with silicon quantum dots"
Chem. Commun. 47 (29), 8409-8411 (2011).

T. Yamamoto, S. Noda, and M. Kato,
"A simple and fast method to disperse long single-walled carbon nanotubes introducing few defects,"
Carbon 49 (10), 3179-3183 (2011).

Y. Tsuji, S. Nakamura, and S. Noda,
"Nanostructure and magnetic properties of c-axis oriented L10-FePt nanoparticles and nanocrystalline films on polycrystalline TiN underlayers,"
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29 (3), 031801-1-10 (2011).

N. Uesawa, P. Shen, S. Inasawa, A. Miyoshi, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Kinetic study on gas phase zinc reduction of silicon tetrachloride,"
Chem. Eng. J. 168 (2), 889-895 (2011).

D.Y. Kim, H. Sugime, K. Hasegawa, T. Osawa, and S. Noda,
"Sub-millimeter-long carbon nanotubes repeatedly grown on and separated from ceramic beads in a single fluidized bed reactor,"
Carbon 49(6), 1972-1979 (2011).

K. Hasegawa and S. Noda,
"Millimeter-tall single-walled carbon nanotubes rapidly grown with and without water,"
ACS Nano 5(2), 975-984 (2011).


K. Oku, S. Inasawa, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Quantitative study of surface deprotonation induced settling mode transition of silica colloidal particles,"
J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 43(10), 850-856 (2010).
J-Stage (Open Access)

T. Ando, K. Akamatsu, M. Fujita and S. Nakao,
"Direct simulation model of concentrated particulate flow in pressure-driven dead-end microfiltration,"
J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 43(10), 815-828 (2010).
J-Stage (Open Access)
Outstanding Paper Award of 2010.

K. Hasegawa and S. Noda,
"Real-time monitoring of millimeter-tall vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotube growth on combinatorial catalyst library,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (8), 085104-1-6 (2010).

P. Shen, N. Uesawa, S. Inasawa, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Characterization of flowerlike silicon particles obtained from chemical etching: visible fluorescence and superhydrophobicity,"
Langmuir 26 (16), 13522-13527 (2010).

Y. Shiratori and S. Noda,
"Combinatorial evaluation for field emission properties of carbon nanotubes part II - high growth rate system,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (30), 12938-12947 (2010).

Yukie Tsuji, Yoshiko Tsuji, S. Nakamura, and S. Noda,
"Two routes to polycrystalline CoSi2 thin films by co-sputtering Co and Si,"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 256 (23), 7118-7124 (2010).

K. Hasegawa and S. Noda,
"Diameter increase in millimeter-tall vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes during growth,"
Appl. Phys. Express 3 (4), 045103-1-3 (2010).

H. Sugime and S. Noda,
"Millimeter-tall single-walled carbon nanotube forests grown from ethanol,"
Carbon 48 (8), 2203-2211 (2010).

N. Uesawa, S. Inasawa, Y. Tsuji, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Gas Phase Synthesis of Rough Silicon Nanowires via the Zinc Reduction of Silicon Tetrachloride,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (10), 4291-4296 (2010).

S. Noda, H. Sugime, K. Hasegawa, K. Kakehi, and Y. Shiratori,
"A simple combinatorial method aiding research on single-walled carbon nanotube growth on substrates,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (2), 02BA02-1-7 (2010).
JSAP Spotlights, Editors' Choice.

P. Shen, N. Uesawa, S. Inasawa, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Stable and color-tunable fluorescence from silicon nanoparticles formed by single-step plasma assisted decomposition of SiBr4,"
J. Mater. Chem. 20 (9), 1669-1675 (2010).

M. Fujita and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Mesoscale modeling for self-organization of colloidal systems,"
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 15 (1-2), 8-12 (2010).


Y. Matsui, K. Miyaoi, T. Hayashi and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Material scientific approach to predict nano materials risk of adverse health effects,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 170, 012030 (2009).

Y. Matsui, T. Hayashi, K. Miyaoi, H. Tomobe, Y. Kajikawa, K. Matsushima and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Visualization of nano risk research field to clarify domains year by year,"
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 170, 012033 (2009).

Y. Shiratori, K. Furuichi, Y. Tsuji, H. Sugime, and S. Noda,
"Efficient field emission from triode-type 1D arrays of carbon nanotubes,"
Nanotechnology 20 (47), 475707-1-7 (2009).

S. Inasawa and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Formation of optically anisotropic films from spherical colloidal particles,"
Langmuir 25 (18), 11197-11201 (2009).

S. Ohta, S. Inasawa, O. Koike, M. Fujita, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Formation of well-aligned thin films of rod-like nanoparticles via solvent evaporation: A simulation study,"
Appl. Phys. Express 2 (6), 065002-1-3 (2009).

T.W.H. Oates, Y. Shiratori, and S. Noda,
"Two-dimensional combinatorial investigation of Raman and fluorescence enhancement in silver and gold sandwich substrates,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (22), 9588-9594 (2009).

T.W.H. Oates, H. Sugime, and S. Noda,
"Combinatorial surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry of silver island films,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (12), 4820-4828 (2009).

T.W.H. Oates and S. Noda,
"Thickness-gradient dependent Raman enhancement in silver island films,"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 (5), 053106-1-3 (2009).

H. Sugime, S. Noda, S. Maruyama, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Multiple "optimum" conditions for Co-Mo catalyzed growth of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotube forests,"
Carbon 47 (1), 234-241 (2009).

Y. Yamaguchi, S. Noda, and H. Komiyama,
"Chemical engineering for technology innovation,"
Chem. Eng. Commun. 196 (1), 267-276 (2009).


Y. Shiratori, H. Sugime, and S. Noda,
"Combinatorial evaluation for field emission properties of carbon nanotubes,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (46), 17974-17982 (2008).

K. Hasegawa, S. Noda, H. Sugime, K. Kakehi, S. Maruyama, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Growth window and possible mechanism of millimeter-thick single-walled carbon nanotube forests,"
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8 (11), 6123-6128 (2008).

K. Wada, S. Inasawa, A. Komoto, T. Uematsu, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Photoinduced film formation of colloidal CdSe quantum dots,"
J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (44), 17109-17114 (2008).

O. Koike, S. Ohta, M. Fujita, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Simulation model of concentrated colloidal rod-like nanoparticles,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47 (10), 8124-8130 (2008).

S. Tanase, K. Katayama, S. Inasawa, F. Okada, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Konakazawa, T. Junke, and N. Ishihara,
"Particle growth of magnesium alkoxide as a carrier material for polypropylene polymerization catalyst,"
Appl. Catal. A 350 (2), 197-206 (2008).

K. Kakehi, S. Noda, S. Maruyama, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Individuals, grasses, and forests of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes grown by supported Co catalysts of different nominal thicknesses,"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 (21), 6710-6714 (2008).

T.W.H. Oates, A. Keller, S. Noda, and S. Facsko,
"Self-organized metallic nanoparticle and nanowire arrays from ion-sputtered silicon templates,"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (6), 063106-1-3 (2008).

S. Tanase, K. Katayama, S. Inasawa, F. Okada, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Sadashima, N. Yabunouchi, T. Konakazawa, T. Junke, and N. Ishihara,
"New synthesis method using magnesium alkoxides as carrier materials for Ziegler-Natta catalysts with spherical morphology"
Macromol. React. Eng. 2 (3) 233-239 (2008).

Y. Kuzuoka and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Change of photoluminescence properties of cyano-substituted poly p-phenylene vinylene controlled by photoirradiation,"
Synth. Met. 158 (12), 489-496 (2008). Selected for Journal Cover.

Y. Shiratori, K. Furuichi, S. Noda, H. Sugime, Y. Tsuji, Z. Zhang, S. Maruyama, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Field emission properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes with a variety of emitter-morphologies,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47 (6), 4780-4787 (2008).

K. Kakehi, S. Noda, S. Maruyama, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Growth valley dividing single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes: combinatorial study of nominal thickness of Co catalyst,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47 (4), 1961-1965 (2008).

Y. Tsuji, M. Mizukami, and S. Noda,
"Growth mechanism of epitaxial CoSi2 on Si and reactive deposition epitaxy of double heteroepitaxial Si/CoSi2/Si,"
Thin Solid Films 516 (12), 3989-3995 (2008).

M. Fujita and Y. YamaguchiC
"Simulation model of concentrated colloidal nanoparticulate flows,"
Physical Review E 77 (2), 026706 (2008).


Y. Tsuji, S. Noda, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Structure and magnetic property of c-axis oriented L10-FePt nanoparticles on TiN/a-Si underlayers,"
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 25 (6), 1892-1895 (2007).

Y. Kuzuoka, S. Isomae, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Crystal morphology of spherical silicon particles produced by jet-splitting method,"
J. Cryst. Growth 304 (2), 487-491 (2007).

M. Fujita and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Multiscale simulation method for self-organization of nanoparticles in dense suspension,"
J. Comp. Phys. 223 (1), 108-120 (2007).

Y. Tsuji, S. Nakamura, and S. Noda,
"Spontaneous formation of Si nanocones vertically aligned to Si wafers,"
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 25 (3), 808-812 (2007).

S. Noda, K. Hasegawa, H. Sugime, K. Kakehi, Z. Zhang, S. Maruyama, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Millimeter-thick single-walled carbon nanotube forests: hidden role of catalyst support,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (17), L399-L401 (2007). (Express Letter)
Most Cited Articles 2010, Free Download.

H. Sasakura, M. Fujita, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Thin film of silica nanoparticles with highly ordered hemispherical macropores,"
J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 40 (4), 341-347 (2007).
open-access article

Fujita M and Yamaguchi Y,
"Simulation of 3D crystallization of colloidal nanoparticles on a substrate during drying,"
Intern. Polym. Proc. 22 (1), 16-21 (2007).


Y. Kajikawa, K. Abe, and S. Noda,
"Filling the gap between researchers studying different materials and different methods: a proposal of structured keywords,"
J. Inf. Sci. 32 (6), 511-524 (2006).

T. Minemoto, M. Murozono, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Takakura, Y. Hamakawa,
"Design strategy and development of spherical silicon solar cell with semi-concentration reflector system,"
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 90 (18-19), 3009-3013 (2006).

T. Minemoto, M. Murozono, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Takakura, Y. Hamakawa,
"Novel deposition method of anti-reflective coating for spherical silicon solar cells,"
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 90 (18-19), 2995-3000 (2006).

K. Kakehi, S. Noda, S. Chiashi, and S. Maruyama,
"Supported Ni catalysts from nominal monolayer grow single-walled carbon nanotubes,"
Chem. Phys. Lett. 428 (4-6), 381-385 (2006).

T. Uematsu, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Photoinduced fluorescence enhancement in CdSe/ZnS quantum dot monolayers: Influence of substrate,"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (3), 031910-1-3 (2006).

S. Noda, H. Sugime, T. Osawa, Y. Tsuji, S. Chiashi, Y. Murakami, and S. Maruyama,
"A simple combinatorial method to discover Co-Mo binary catalysts that grow vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes,"
Carbon 44 (8), 1414-1419 (2006).

S. Inasawa, M. Sugiyama, S. Noda, and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Spectroscopic study of laser-induced phase transition of gold nanoparticles on nanosecond time scales and longer,"
J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (7),3114-3119 (2006).

M. Fujita and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Development of three-dimensional structure formation simulator of colloidal nanoparticles during drying,"
J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 39, 83-89 (2006).


S. P. Naik, M. Ogura, H. Sasakura, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Sasaki, T. Okubo,
"Phase and orientation control of mesoporous silica thin film via phase transformation,"
Thin Solid Films 495, 11-17 (2005).

H. Nishikawa, K. Morozumi, M. Hu, T. Okubo, M. Fujita, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Okubo,
"Effects of particle size on the monolayer structure of nanoparticles formed via a wet-coating process,"
J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 38, 564-570 (2005).

M. Hu, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Okubo
"Self-assebly of water-dispersed gold nanoparticles stabilized by a thiolated glycol derivative,"
J. Nanopart. Res. 7, 187-193 (2005).

S. P. Naik, A. S. T. Chiang, H. Sasakura, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Okubo
"Fabrication of hierarchical zeolitic material from zeolite nanoprecursors and macromolecular template,"
Chem. Lett. 34, 92-983 (2005).

T. Goto, Y. Futamura, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Yamamoto,
"Condensation reactions of amino acids under hydrothermal conditions with adiabatic expansion cooling,"
J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 38, 295-299 (2005).

T. Uematsu, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Photoinduced fluorescence enhancement in mono- and multilayer films of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots: Dependence on intensity and wavelength of excitation light,"
J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 8613-8618 (2005).

S. Inasawa, M. Sugiyama, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Bimodal size distribution of gold nanoparticles under picosecond laser pulses,"
J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 9404-9410 (2005).

S. Inasawa, M. Sugiyama, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Laser-induced shape transformation of gold nanoparticles below the melting point: The effect of surface melting,"
J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 3104-3111 (2005).

S. Noda, Y. Tsuji, A. Sugiyama, A. Kikitsu, F. Okada, and H. Komiyama,
"c-Axis oriented face-centered-tetragonal-FePt nanoparticle monolayer formed on a polycrystalline TiN seed layer,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44 (11), 7957-7961 (2005).

S. Noda, Y. Tsuji, Y. Murakami, and S. Maruyama,
"Combinatorial method to prepare metal nanoparticles that catalyze the growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes,"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (17), 173106-1-3 (2005).

Y. Kajikawa and S. Noda,
"Growth mode during initial stage of chemical vapor deposition,"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 245 (1-4), 281-289 (2005).


A. Hoshino, K. Fujioka, T. Oku, S. Nakamura, M. Suga, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Suzuki, M. Yasuhara, K. Yamamoto,
"Quantum dots targeted to the assigned organelle in living cells,"
Microbio. Immunol. 48, 985-994 (2004).

T. Matsumoto, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Organometallic synthesis of InP quantum dots using tris(dimethylamino)phosphine as a phosphorus source,"
Chem. Lett. 33, 1492-1493 (2004).

M. Hu, S. Chujo, H. Nishikawa, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Okubo,
"Spontaneous formation of large^area monolayers of well-ordered nanoparticles via a wet-coating process,"
J. Nanopart. Res. 6, 479-487 (2004).

A. Komoto, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Oscillating fluorescence in an unstable colloidal dispersion of CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots,"
Langmuir 20, 8916-8923 (2004).

T. Uematsu, A. Watanabe, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Self-organization of striped pattern of refractive indices in photopolymer film,"
J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 42, 3351-3358 (2004).

J. Kimura, T. Uematsu, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Photoinduced fluorescence enhancement in CdSe/ZnS quantum dot submonolayers sandwiched between insulating layers: Influence of dot proximity,"
J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 13258-13264 (2004).

A. Komoto, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Spontaneous photoluminescence oscillation in a colloidal dispersion of CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals,"
Phys. E 24, 74-77 (2004).

T. Uematsu, J. Kimura, Y. Yamaguchi,
"The reversible photoluminescence enhancement of a CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal thin film,"
Nanotechnology 15, 822-827 (2004).

M. Fujita, H. Nishikawa, T. Okubo, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Multiscale simulation of two-dimensional self-organization of nanoparticles in liquid film,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 4434-4442 (2004).

J. Y. Wakano, A. Komoto, Y. Yamaguchi,
"Phase transition of traveling waves in bacterial colony pattern,"
Phys. Rev. E 69, 051904 (2004).

H. Komiyama, Y. Yamaguchi, and S. Noda,
"Structuring knowledge on nanomaterials processing,"
Chem. Eng. Sci. 59 (22-23), 5085-5090 (2004).

S. Noda, T. Tsumura, J. Fukuhara, T. Yoda, H. Komiyama, and Y. Shimogaki,
"Stranski-Krastanov growth of tungsten during chemical vapor deposition revealed by micro-Auger electron spectroscopy,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 (10), 6974-6977 (2004).

S. Noda, R. Hirai, H. Komiyama, and Y. Shimogaki,
"Selective silicidation of Co using silane or disilane for anti-oxidation barrier layer in Cu metallization,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 (9A), 6001-6007 (2004).

Y. Kajikawa, S. Noda, and H. Komiyama,
"A simple index to restrain abnormal protrusions in films fabricated using CVD under diffusion-limited conditions,"
Chem. Vap. Deposition 10 (4), 221- 228 (2004).

Y. Kajikawa, S. Noda, and H. Komiyama,
"Use of process indices for simplification of the description of vapor deposition systems,"
Mater. Sci. Eng. B 111 (2-3), 156-163 (2004).

Y. Kajikawa, T. Tsumura, S. Noda, H. Komiyama, and Y. Shimogaki,
"Nucleation of W during chemical vapor deposition from WF6 and SiH4,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 (6B), 3945-3950 (2004).

Y. Kajikawa, T. Tsuchiya, S. Noda, and H. Komiyama,
"Incubation time during the CVD of Si onto SiO2 from silane,"
Chem. Vap. Deposition 10 (3), 128-133 (2004).

M. Hu, S. Noda, T. Okubo, and H. Komiyama,
"Wettability and crystalline orientation of Cu nanoislands on SiO2 with a Cr underlayer,"
Appl. Phys. A 79 (3), 625-628 (2004).

S. Noda, K. Tanabe, T. Yahiro, T. Osawa, and H. Komiyama,
"Reaction of Si with HCl to form chlorosilanes: Time dependent nature and reaction model,"
J. Electrochem. Soc. 151 (6), C399-C404 (2004).

S. Noda, Y. Kajikawa, and H. Komiyama,
"Combinatorial masked deposition: Simple method to control deposition flux and its spatial distribution,"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 225 (1-4), 372-379 (2004).

S. Noda, K. Tepsanongsuk, Y. Tsuji, Y. Kajikawa, Y. Ogawa, and H. Komiyama,
"Preferred orientation and film structure of TaN films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering,"
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22 (2), 332-338 (2004).


K. Hanaki, A. Momo, T. Oku, A. Komoto, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi and K. Yamamoto,
"Semiconductor quantum dot/albumin complex is a long-life and highly photostable endosome marker,"
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 302, 496-501 (2003).

T. Okubo, S. Chujo, S. Maenosono and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Microstructure of silica particle monolayer films formed by capillary immersion force,"
J. Nanopart. Res. 5, 111-117 (2003).

H. Nishikawa, S. Maenosono, Y. Yamaguchi and T. Okubo,
"Self-Assembling Process of Colloidal Particles into Two-Dimensional Arrays Induced by Capillary Immersion Force: A Simulation Study With Discrete Element Method,"
J. Nanopart. Res. 5, 103-110 (2003).

S. Maenosono, T. Okubo and Y Yamaguchi,
"Overview of Nanoparticle Array Formation by Wet Coating,"
J. Nanopart. Res. 5, 5-15 (2003).

N. Eiha, S. Maenosono, K. Hanaki, K. Yamamoto and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Collective fluorescence oscillation in a water dispersion of colloidal quantum dots,"
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42, L310-L313 (2003).

J. Kimura, S. Maenosono and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Near-field optical recording on a CdSe nanocrystal thin film,"
Nanotechnology 14, 69-72 (2003).

S. Maenosono, N. Eiha and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Nonlinear Time-Series Analysis of Photoinduced Fluorescence Oscillation in a Water Dispersion of Colloidal Quantum Dots,"
J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 2645-2650 (2003).

A. Komoto, K. Hanaki, S. Maenosono, J. Y. Wakano, Y. Yamaguchi and K. Yamamoto,
"Growth dynamics of Bacillus circulans colony,"
J. Theo. Bio. 225, 91-97 (2003).

J. Y. Wakano, S. Maenosono, A. Komoto, N. Eiha and Y. Yamaguchi,
"Self-organized pattern formation of a bacteria colony modeled by a reaction diffusion system and nucleation theory,"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 9025, 258102 (2003).

T. Q. Li, S. Noda, F. Okada, and H. Komiyama,
"Effects of substrate heating and biasing on manostrcutural evolution of nonepitaxially growth TiN nanofilms,"
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21 (6), 2512-2516 (2003).

Y. Kajikawa, S. Noda, and H. Komiyama,
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